The Buy-Now Marketplace is a consolidation of on-hand Fastener Inventories available from the heart of the source and supply chain.
What does the Buy-Now Marketplace do for Buyers?
- Filter on-hand inventories from multiple Sellers while conducting any search.
- Search by Part number, Manufacturer, Brand or Category to identify appropriate Seller offers.
- If there is no stock available, identify Price, Expected Dates and Minimum Order Quantities (MOQ) from multiple Sellers to place Backorders.
- Syndicate a single RFQ to the appropriate suppliers based on your settings with a click.
- Substitute Suggestions - Bay Supply dynamically compares required attributes of the item you are searching for and suggests possible Substitutes from sellers. The Substitutes are displayed by on-hand availability first.
- Filter your conditions with global attributes.
- Search and filter navigation was designed with the Sourcing Professional in mind and the functions to place Purchase Orders or submit RFQs quickly and efficiently.
What does the Buy-Now Marketplace do for Sellers?
There are three (3) methods of participation in the Buy-Now Marketplace for Sellers:
By completing Stage (2) registration, a Seller can begin to receive RFQs from Buyers based on the Manufacturers, Brands and Categories of products they offer and entered during Stage (2) registration.
You will not appear in the Buy-Now Marketplace for Buyers to see during search for Buy-Now sales transactions, but you will be able to receive relevant RFQs to Quote and Transact business.
When you create an Item in a Quote, it becomes part of your Bay Supply catalog and triggers your appearance for that Item in the Buy-Now Marketplace without pricing.
Uploading Items without price or inventory completes Stage (3) registration.
Sellers that upload items with attributes without price or inventory take a major step in discovery with Buyers and they are visible in the Buy-Now Marketplace for the Items they uploaded for all Buyers to see during search.
Although Buyers cannot Buy your Item without your price settings, they can buy from your quote response to an RFQ. When your Team of Users prepares a Quote to respond to an RFQ, all the Item attributes auto-populate to streamline Quote creation so price, MOQ and expected date (If backorder required) become the only required information.
By completing this type of Stage (3) registration, you are not only more discoverable online, but you are positioned to take the next step to quickly start selling in the Buy-Now Marketplace.
Uploading Pricing and Inventory for your Items is the final step.
If you uploaded all your Items without price or inventory to complete Stage (3) of your Seller registration, you could now upload pricing and inventory by specifying the part number.
Now, your Items can be purchased for immediate sale by Buyers, and you can begin to receive orders. Your inventory will display for immediate procurement during search.
Better yet, when your Team is responding to RFQs, not only will your Item attributes auto-populate, but your inventory on-hand will auto-populate with your price and MOQ settings for modification and rapid Quote response.
In addition, Bay Supply's system will automatically search the required attribute values and suggest Substitute offerings from your catalog inventory.
(This method requires that you maintain and update your inventories regularly to avoid order cancellations that could impact your ranking on the Platform)
For Sellers and Buyers to get the most out of the Bay Supply platform, uploading pricing, inventory and Backorder conditions provide the ultimate use and tools to efficiently transact business.