What happens when a Manufacturer uploads products and part numbers on Bay Supply?

Our Centralized Manufacturer Parts Catalog brings life and brand awareness for online discovery.

Simplifying the buyer journey and creating new sales opportunities for your Distributors tailored to the unique needs of the Fastening Industry is what Bay Supply was designed for.

By adding your brands, part numbers, specifications and supporting catalogs, manuals and videos, you establish a powerful digital marketing program that compliments your own branded website. It helps you build a multi-channel branding strategy without the challenge of channel conflict.

Your part data auto-populates for buyers to submit RFQs to your Distributors by assigned territory.  This helps to streamline the search, discovery and RFQ process for prospects and consumers of your brands.

Your parts catalog and digital assets are syndicated to each of your Distributors online catalogs, it provides enhanced services to your Distributors and, in return, benefits from closer access to end customers with better access to product inventories.

Your Distributors can reference your part numbers with auto-populating specifications and description data for rapid quote responses, upload inventories on-hand and leverage your digital assets to support their selling initiatives.