All 2,000+ Categories are pre-built and may not be active at the time of your visit.
Bay Supply conducted research of the entire Fastening Products Industry to identify core product categories that exist within the market space.
While we do believe it is comprehensive, we expect new Categories to be introduced by Manufacturers of fastening products and Distributors based on their specializations.
While all 2,000+ Categories on Bay Supply are available for RFQ's, they may not have part numbers and on-hand inventories uploaded to the online marketplace.
Manufacturers and Distributors have registered for many of these hidden categories to respond to RFQs, but they may not have taken the initiative just yet to upload their digital catalog of part numbers and specifications.
A Category becomes visually active, on the main menu when an Item is built for a quote response or if a Manufacturer or Distributor uploads part numbers and specifications to their digital catalog.
As Manufacturers add part numbers and specifications for their brands to their digital catalog, the categories of the products they manufacture and the brands they own will not only activate a Category, but it will begin to establish branding exposure for discovery by sourcing professionals searching for their fastening products for their applications.
Distributors have the ability to upload the manufacturers, brands, part numbers and specifications of the products they specialize in. This will also activate Categories in the Marketplace and begin to establish exposure for their company in the marketplace and discovery by sourcing professionals searching for fastening products within the areas of their expertise.
It is highly recommended that Manufacturers and Distributors take advantage of Stage 3 Registration by adding their digital catalogs of part numbers to the fastening products database so they can better serve the sourcing community and powerfully expand their exposure in search engines and on the Platform for buyer discovery.