Yes. Manufacturers should upload educational, marketing and product support digital assets to provide a rich and powerful branding experience to support their Distributors.
Uploading your part numbers and specifications for your brands will absolutely turbo charge your brand discovery online and on the Bay Supply Platform. However, adding branded resources to help your customers and distributors is all about your value proposition and brand integrity.
Business buyers in general, and millennial business buyers in particular, are looking for new ways to streamline their organizations’ supply chains and procurement programs and to research and buy business goods and services through B2B ecommerce.
74% of B2B buyers research at least half of their work purchases online
61% of B2B buyers research products on mobile devices
56% of B2B buyers expect to make half or more of their work purchases online in the next three years
91% of B2B buyers prefer to buy online once they have decided what to buy
To remain relevant and to provide your consumers with the branding experience they expect, we strongly urge Manufacturers to add as many resources as you can find to guide your customers and distributors through their digital sourcing and supply initisatives.